Legal Legacy Project, Inc.
A Texas Nonprofit Organization
IRS Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3)

Empowering Communities Through Free Legal and Educational Services
Uplifting Communities
Legal Legacy Project, Inc. is a certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to offering pro-bono legal aid services to economically disadvantaged individuals across San Antonio. As a student-run organization, we operate as a third-party in the legal community, connecting various firms of differing fields of law to community organizations, student groups, and populations in need.

Our Take-A-Case Initiative has provided over $85,000 of legal aid at no cost
Bridging the Justice Gap
Access to justice is a fundamental principle of the rule of law. Without legal assistance or advice for individuals, law-related issues can contribute to the loss of a home, children, job, income, or liberty. However, in the United States, affordability of legal representation remains an obstacle for millions of Americans. According to the Legal Services Corporation, 80% of low-income Americans cannot afford legal assistance, and forty to sixty percent of the middle class have unmet legal needs. The Legal Legacy Project, Inc. is committed to offering legal representation to everyone regardless of socioeconomic status.
Free Legal Assistance
Legal Legacy Project, Inc. is proud to offer various types of legal assistance for every step of the process by adapting to address your needs. Explore our three major avenues of legal aid to see how we can best help you.